(L’Aquila  1931 – Roma 2012)
Espone, sin dagli anni sessanta, in prestigiose gallerie in Italia (galleria Eliseo, Roma; galleria Senato, Milano; galleria La Pigna, Roma) e all’estero (Holland Art Fair – Den Haang, Olanda; Millenium Art – Sao Paolo, Brasile; Lineart – Gent, Belgio; T.W. Burger Gallery – Chicago, USA).  Le sue opere sono esibite in importanti fiere, spazi museali e collezioni in tutto il mondo.

(Aquila, 1931 – Rome in Italy, 2012)
Exhibits, since the 1960’s, in prestigious galleries in Italy (gallery Eliseo, Rome; Senate gallery, Milan gallery La Pigna, Rome) and abroad (Holland Art Fair – Den Haang, the Netherlands; Millenium Art – Sao Paulo, Brazil , Lineart – Gent, Belgium; TW Burger Gallery – Chicago, USA).  His works are exhibited in major exhibitions, the museum spaces and collections around the world.